For this post you will be reading an article from FoxNews about the Democrats and an article from MSNBC about the Republicans. The FoxNews article focuses on the race for the mayor of DC, which could prove historic. D.C. has never had a non-Democrat mayor, but in 2014 two independents will be running, that might stand a chance. The MSNBC article focuses on the Value Voters Summit, a Republican conference to discuss how the party can reach out to voters who are conservative on social issues, a major base for the Republican party. Read both articles and answer the following questions.
FoxNews article:
1. ID at least four unit 2 concepts in the article with corresponding evidence from the article (I need a concept tied to a brief quote from the article here).
2. Identify two major factors (specifically citing the
article for evidence) that affect a candidate’s chances for winning an election. Rank them in order of importance and explain
why you think each concept is important.
3. How will Catania’s status as a former
Republican-turned-independent affect his chances to win the election come
November? Explain your answer.
MSNBC article:
1. What role do these type of events play in electoral politics? What function do they serve? Answer with reference to at least two functions along with an explanation of why it is important.
2. Do you think it is possible for
Republicans to maintain socially conservative policies and still win over
enough independents (also women and the youth vote) to win the 2016
election? Why or why not?
3. What are some possible political
ramifications if Republicans actually do relax their stance on social policies
to attract independents? Will this
dissuade conservatives from voting for them? Will it leave an opening for a
socially conservative third party to make an impact? Why or why not?