Friday, April 17, 2015

Marco Rubio's strategy

Research the strategy of Marco Rubio heading into primary season and answer the following questions.  In your responses, cite your research parenthetically and use direct quotes from the source.

What is his main strategy?  Who is his biggest competition in the primary?  Why do you think so?  If he makes it through the primary as the nominee, do you think he stands a chance against Hillary Clinton or another democrat?  Why or why not?  Will his youth and inexperience help or hurt his chances?  Explain the reasons behind your opinion, relating to his overall campaign strategy.  What are the main policies he will focus on throughout his campaign?  Why will he focus on these policies?  How will that help him win the nomination?   


Unknown said...

1) His main strategy heading into the primaries is to propose a tax reform that will gain him some quick attention while he is headed into the primaries.
2)His biggest competition would have to be Rand Paul for now. Since Jeb Bush has not officially declared himself in the race to run for president.
3)If he makes it past the primary I don't think he would have a chance against a democratic candidate like Hilary Clinton because of the inexperience he has and also because of the type of experience Hilary and some of the other candidates bring to the table.
4)Even though Senator Rubio is providing a helpful Tax Reform to gain him attention. Hilary or any other Democratic candidate my try to turn the tax reform into to something that will hurt America in the long run or put something 10 times better on the table.
5)He will mainly focus on the tax policy. Because the tax reform policy he is proposing would lower the top rate from 35% to 25% for corporations. It will also let companies expense investment and eliminate taxes on capital gains. This would be great for businesses because businesses are basically what runs America. The more attention he gets from the business man the more money will be invested into his campaign.
5) That is one way that it will help his nomination. Because once big corporation and businesses hear about his tax reform idea they would agree with it and start providing Rubio with the money he needs for a successful campaign which will most likely end up in him winning the nomination.

Unknown said...

According to, Marco Rubio's strategy is "media friendly", which means he will use reporters and news sources to help him spread his ideas and opinions. This helps his chances against Hillary Clintton because she has avoided the media in the past when it comes to accusations and commercials. His youth and inexperience may harm his chances to win the primary, simply because people don't know him as well as they know Clinton. People are more likely to vote for a name they recognize and the Clinton name is definitely recognizable. I think his strategy is clever. Media can be quite negative and can harm people's public image, but using it his advantage will definitely get his name and ideas publicized. Some of his main policies are more affordable high education, citizenship for illegal immigrants, and making changes to the foreign policy that is currently in effect. He probably focuses on these because they are personal to him. He grew up with Cuban immigrant parents that were not very wealthy, so he has had to work very hard to get where he is today. I think his view on education pricing will help his nomination because there are so many college students that are able to vote and I'm sure majority of them agree that college should be more affordable.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

1. Rubio’s main strategy is to appealed to his audience by singing the song of the American dream and his family’s embodiment of it. He uses this to appeal to voters with family’s and how he will do the best for family’s when he is elected.
2. Rubio’s biggest opponent is the coming primary is Jed Bush because he melds Rubio’s potential appeal to Latino voters (his wife is Mexican, and he speaks fluent Spanish) with executive experience, fundraising prowess, and the all the benefits (and burdens) of the Bush name.
3. In my professional opinion I do think that Rubio stands a chance against a DNC candidate. Because of his years of experience that he has under his belt and the continued dislike of the DNC candidates. To the contrary he has been in government for 10 years long than Obama did when he first ran and Clinton had 10 more years’ experience when she ran against Obama so if anything they are going to be a tight race if he wins the primary.
4. His main focus is on foreign policy, he is focusing on this subject because of how overly involved we are in the troubles of the world and the us involvement is disproportionate to that of the un and that is what is causing our huge deficit which is being taken out on the tax payers of this country.
5. To be honest people in this country are tired or the aftermath that war brings to society. For the last 15 years this country has followed the same foreign policy stance with the exception of our inability to minimize the role that Iran plays in the world. Rubio is a hard-liner who believes in a strong stance that may or may not be accepted by his moderate side of his party or the liberal left.

Unknown said...

Rubio plans to "embrace the press" as an important key in his political strategy. He believes he can spread his message to voters through reporters. (CNN)
Bush is his biggest competition. He has struggled and came in 7 percent in a CNN/ORC poll recently released. He doesn't seem to be as popular to voters through reporters and seems to be lagging behind.
I don't think he will stand a chance if he wins the primaries because of his lack of popularity in the primaries themselves in recent polls. Many have also seen him as " too conservative" as well.
I think his youth and experience will hurt him. He is already unpopular and he also tried to sell an unlikely crowd on his own version of immigration reform which caused a lot of confusion.
Marco Rubia has released policy plans for a series of debates including retirement and higher education reform. One of the latest being a tax reform plan that would give some families larger child tax credits.
He has focused on policy since he was first elected to office and with his tax reform he wants to eliminate taxes on capital gains and dividends for individuals.
There has been a lot of controversy and criticism over his tax reform which could hurt his plan for nomination. "Some conservatives have indicated they're less enthusiastic about the fact that the proposal would hemorrhage money" (CNN)

Unknown said...

Marco Rubio’s main strategy is a “tax reform plan, released this month with his colleague Mike Lee of Utah, that would slash the top corporate tax rate and give some families larger child tax credits.” ( This will make him a very popular candidate because this strategy will be an attempt to lower the national debt that has been rapidly increasing. His biggest competition in the primary is Jeb Bush. They are both republicans from the same large state, Florida, so they will be fighting for those votes. Also, they used to work alongside of each other when they worked for the same city, so they share a lot of the same ideas and will end up splitting those votes. I believe that he stands a chance against Hillary Clinton or another democrat. I believe that a lot of people will step up and vote for him, especially the republicans, because they are afraid that somebody like Obama will be president again. Most republicans believe that Clinton will continue to increase the national debt, while Rubio’s tax reform policy will begin to decrease it. I believe that Rubio’s youth will help his chances. Most people say that Jeb Bush has old republican ideas, where Rubio appeals to the younger generations that will be standing out in this election. The main policies that he will focus on throughout his campaign, along with tax reform, are “retirement security and higher education reform”. ( He will focus on these policies in order to draw in younger voters. For example, Rubio is attempting to appeal to the younger generations, so he will try to draw in college student’s votes through education reform. Also, his tax reform policy will help him will help him win the nomination by drawing in the votes of those who wish to lower the national debt.

Rajita Chakrabarti said...

1)Rubio's strategy is to release a tax reform plan that would slash the top corporate tax rate and give some families larger child tax credits.
2) His biggest competition at the moment is Jeb Bush because he was his one time mentor and Rubio focuses on big ideas to accomplish in the future instead of what is needed in the moment.
3)I don't think he has a chance against Hillary Clinton because he has a bad name on his back and she is very well known and people have been wanting her to run for a while considering she knows what she is doing and has been in politics for a majority of her life. I think his inexperience will hurt him in the long run because having people that know what they want to accomplish is better than people who have plans that don't know how to execute them wisely and according to CNN, he is struggling to break through the top ranks.
4)He wants to work on retirement security and education reform, but mostly is focusing on lowering business taxes. He will focus on the policies by putting his tax idea into action by proposing a revamped child tax credit and creates just two individual income tax brackets — 15% for an individual making up to $75,000 (or $150,000 for married couples), and 35% for everyone else. This will help me win the nomination by showing how determined he is to get this into action and make families feel like he is doing his job right.
Source: (

Jedd Marrero said...

1) His strategy includes addressing topics that are the least appealing, or at least, the most controversial. This includes retirement security, higher education reform, and tax reforms. ( A main competitor against Rubio is Ted Cruz, since he "began his campaign early" by introducing a bunch of TV ads to the media and therefore took social media to his advantage. (NY Times) However, even if he wins the primary, he won't garner as much success (or in the least, attention) as Hillary Clinton, since she represents a breaking of the norm in politics by being close to being the first female president. Her "campaign so far is the largest" out of all candidates, so it will be hard for Rubio to top that. (NY Times). His youth and inexperience will definitely hurt his chances, as people are less likely to vote for someone who does not have the right experience or is unable to offer sound advice and wisdom do to his or her youth. This would render him useless in discussing some of his policies, especially retirement security, as he has no prior experience or interaction with it, or at least is too young to empathize. However, it should be noted that he is also a young candidate in a progressive era, where everything is modernized and completely new. So, it may be an advantage to be young since many of the other candidates are older and "stuck in the 20th century." (NY Times). His main focus would probably be education reform, since tuition costs are becoming increasingly expensive and our nation is becoming larger, population-wise, so more people will need to be able to pay for college, but also smaller schools (high school/middle/etc.) should be able to either make new ones or accommodate large numbers of people. Education would satisfy a large realm of citizens and is kinda hard to mess up. By staying on policies that aren't too difficult, he can win the nomination.

Unknown said...

1) According to, Marco Rubio's strategy is to take on Washington's "least sexiest issue" such as higher education reforms. On another website (, the editor described his strategy as connecting with the youth not to compete for the youth vote, but compete "for the old rich white guys who think they know what the youth want."
2)I think his biggest competition in the primary would be Jeb Bush. Rubio and Jeb Bush is competing for the hispanic votes because Jeb Bush can speak fluently in Spanish, a characteristic that is very appealing to the audience. However this is a problem for Rubio since he IS Cuban and its going to be difficult to win votes if someone else can step in and win the hispanic votes. But In, a recent poll was taken, Rubio seems to be behind the other republican runner ups.
3)I think as of right now Rubio has a chance to go against Hillary Clinton. Rubio is using every chance to use the media since Hillary Clinton's e-mail accusation has been causing her to stay low. This is helping Rubio get his name out there in order to get more votes.
4)I think both his youth and inexperience will hurt him because first off, in a recent poll, he is 7% behind the other republicans that are running. Not only that but the other runner ups are older, have more experience, and have tried running for president, especially since he is a man who was never heard of until now.
5)Marco Rubios main policy is dealing with foreign policies and immigration policy. I think he focuses on these policies because they are very personal to him. For example, in a speech he was giving, he tells a story about his Cuban father coming to America and living a hard life. Next he says that speaking to a crowd is the American dream. This is why he wants to focus no foreign and immigration policies since he comes from a Cuban family and he understands about immigration and problems in Cuba. I think this will somewhat help him win the nomination because he seems like the hero that could represent the hispanics. Because of this, more than likely many cubans or hispanics will vote for him because of his race and his policies on immigration.

Unknown said...

According to CNN Rubio has a leverage on gaining Latino voters and his main strategy is to focus on the little problems that are "Washington's least sexy issues" such as his latest installment of the tax reform plan "that would slash the top corporate tax rate and give some families larger child tax credits"(CNN) by doing this he gains the voters attention by appealing to their needs and not just Washington , which also plays a important role in his strategy
1.) Rubios biggest competition would have to be J.Bush .
2.) If he succeeds past primary i don`t think he would have a chance against a DNC candidate , his inexperience and the majority of the voters do not recognize him or support his views .
3.)Rubies youth does not play a big role in whether he wins or lose because Obama and Kennedy were young when they ran and won, but his inexperience might be the cause for our first female president .
5.) Main focus being foreign policy and tax reforms. Since being elected Rubio has focused on tax reforms that will resolve the major problems in the tax code and his foreign policy leans towards fixing up Obama changes on foreign policy that would appeal more to Latinos.

Unknown said...

1. His main strategy in my opinion is to take on the harder topics and bigger fish in the ocean in a way.

2. His biggest competition in the primary would have to be Jeb Bush because he was a former mentor and Florida governor. I think he in a way derived some of his ideas and views from Jeb Bush and has many points from the same view of him which makes them very close and therefor a good competition.

3. I do not think he stands a chance against Hilary even though i wish he did. Hilary has been around a lot longer than he has and that hurts him in many ways. Hilary has got her name out in more ways than him and has had time to form the political icon she is and perfect her ideologies to the way she thinks the public would most want while Rubio hasn't had that much experience.

4. his experience will hurt his chances obviously and his youth will just make him less known to the public outside of Florida.

5. in my opinion i like what he is doing because he is going after the harder subjects which in relation are more controversial to the public and by doing this he can either solidify or lose voters but if done right he can really get the kick start needed to make a ripple. his main policy so far is on tax reform as he has a plan in effect to change it. he is going to focus on this because it is a risky subject and thing to base a campaign off of due to the sway that can occur but like i said if he approaches it in the right manor and with the right plan of action he can really grab a backbone so it can help him win the nomination.

Samantha Foss said...

(CNN) Rubio’s main strategy is to appear “media friendly”. He plans to take full advantage of the press in order to get his ideas and opinions out but obviously be very careful with everything he does release/ say to the media.
(CNN) Rubio’s biggest competition would be between him and Jeb Bush, this is because they are both hispanic so they will be fighting for those percentages of votes.
I think Rubio could stand a chance against Hilary Clinton, because even though he is remotely new to the game and this is not Hilary’s first go around she is still a women and most of America still have this idea in their head that a women can not run the United States which could affect her votes and give the votes to another candidate such as Rubio.
His age and inexperience could hurt him, but if he knows what he is talking about and can get across to the public his ideas and what he believes in and how he will implement his ideas I don’t really think that this will be a problem.
(CNN) Rubio is planning to do major things in places such as retirement security education reform and mainly lowering business taxes and introducing new “revamped” child tax credits (which creates 2 individual income brackets). He will do this because it shows families of America how dedicated he really is to making a change in their life.

Alana Hall said...

Marco Rubio plans to incorporate conservative values in his path to presidency, according to, while also looking towards a future that has a stronger focus on the American workforce. His number one opponent would be Jeb Bush due to his appeal to the Hispanic population as Bush is married to a Mexican woman and speaks Spanish clearly as well as he already holds a stong position in politics following the former Bush administrations. I think Rubio has a fairly decent chance against other opponents like Hilary Clinton mainly because according to, “All he needs is for other candidates who inspire more passion to falter and their supporters to coalesce around him, and he could be set to take on Hillary Clinton.” However, Clinton does have more name recognition, experience, and supporters. I admire his youth and determination, but it makes me skeptical to think that someone with less experience dealing with mistakes and success could make decisions for an entire country. He does have a youthful determination that is admirable, but his youth also may not appeal to older voting citizens. Rubio will focus on the struggles of working class families and try to take some of the pressure from taxes off of them since he was the child of two immigrant, working parents. He does seem to want to make things like education and taxes cheaper, but he is yet to provide a way we might do that in the coming years.

Unknown said...

Marco Rubio’s main strategy is to “take on Washington’s least sexy issues” ( This will include retirement security, higher education reform, and tax reform. His tax reform plan “would slash the top corporate tax rate and give some families larger child tax credits ( Of the people who have declared candidacy, Rand Paul is his biggest competition in the primary. Since Rand Paul is the only other candidate, then he is Rubio’s top competition. Of the people who haven’t declared candidacy, Jeb Bush is his biggest competition in the primary. I think Bush is his biggest competitor because Bush was Rubio’s mentor, was Florida’s governor, and has name recognition. I think he stands a chance against Clinton. He is younger and appeals to the younger generation. He is also Hispanic so he appeals to minorities. Clinton already lost to a first-term Senator (Barack Obama) so why not lose to another one. I think his youth will help in win the vote of the younger generation since he can relate more with them. However, I think his inexperience will hurt him and lose votes from people because they will think he can’t run a country. I think his campaign strategy will help him because he is touching on the issues that affect several Americans. His main policy throughout his campaign is tax reform ( He will focus on these policies because they affect the lives of several people. People are affected by taxes financially. I think this will help his nomination because tax is a concern of people and he will be benefiting people by having tax reforms.

Unknown said...

Marco Rubio plans to tackle his road to the presidency by "tak[ing] on Washington's least sexy issues." (CNN, "Marco Rubio's brainy political strategy") This essentially means that he is building up his platform by taking stances on some of the more controversial topics, such as tax reform. I believe his biggest competition in the primary is Rand Paul, as he recently promised the "largest tax cut in American history." (CNN, "Marco Rubio's brainy political strategy") If Paul reveals a plausible plan in his official announcement of this idea, then his popularity will increase substantially.
However, if Rubio does make it through the primary, he does stand a chance against a Democrat nominee. He is known for his "trademark rhetorical brilliance" (National Journal, "The Great Risk in Marco Rubio's 2016 Run") which cannot be underestimated. His speeches have the power to sway many people and help him gain supporters from each and every event he attends. Even though he is inexperiened, I believe his youth will indeed help his chances as he is able to use this to his advantage by really connecting with the American public. He has a "compelling personal story" and a "detailed policy agenda" (National Journal) already planned out, which already helps him stand out.
Throughout his campaign, he will fccus on three main policies: "repealing and replacing Obamacare; allowing individuals to control their own health care choices; and returning control of health policy to the states." ( Rubio wants to lower health care costs and allow individuals to make their own decisions on their health insurance. In this sense, he is creating the image the government is taking a step back and creating the illusion that the average American has a more direct path to achieving the American Dream. He is targeting the middle class with these actions because he is "giving people the tools to make cost-conscious decisions." ( Moreover, he is capitalizing on his Latino heritage in order to relate to minorities and bounce off of the slight advantage he has running as the first serious Hispanic presidential candidate.