According to NPR, GM says its first female CEO will take over next month. Does this change your attitudes at all about gender equality in the workplace?
Here is another article on the promotion of Mary Barra.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Women in the workplace
After watching the Lily Ledbetter documentary and reading the following two articles on comparable worth and the absence of women on corporate boards comment below on your opinion about the state of gender discrimination in the workplace. Opinions are welcome, but please maintain civility and respect in all discussions - as always. If you can not think of any general discussion points, use the following questions as springboards for discussion
1. Is gender discrimination in the workplace still a big problem in the United States? Why or why not?
2. Is there anything the government can or should do about gender discrimination or is it up to the private sector to change their hiring practices? Explain your reasoning.
3. Do women have a tougher road to success in the workplace in America?
4. Should private companies have "affirmative action" policies in place to make sure more female candidates are interviewed for open upper management positions? Why or why not?
5. Why is diversity considered a valuable asset in the workplace?
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Who's who in Congress?
After you’re assigned your Congressperson, go to their
websites and do general research to answer the following questions:
1 1. What is the demographic makeup of your
Congresspersons district?
2 2. What are the important issues for the people in
your Congresspersons district/state?
3 3. What are your Congresspersons committee and
subcommittee assignments?
4 4. In what ways does the demographic makeup and
policy agenda of your Congresspersons constituents match up to their committee assignments?
5 5. How does the prior career or background of the
Congressperson lend itself to his/her position?
6 6. What committee would your Congressmperson NOT want
to be a part of?
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Shutdown cartoons
Which of the following political cartoons do you most agree with concerning Obamacare and the ongoing shutdown that was the result of the budget battle? Are the Republicans going too far in their quest to repeal/change the Affordable Care Act or is the President (and by extension the Senate Democrats) being too inflexible about changes to his signature healthcare legislation?

Government shutdown
Start with this article from CNN, it gives a good overview of the shutdown, why it happened, and issues surrounding the shutdown. Here is a similar article from FoxNews. Continue to research the issue and answer the following questions:
1. Do our representatives have a responsibility to avoid this type of government shutdown?
2. How can this shutdown affect the US economy? Be specific.
3. Is this heated partisanship an indicator that the government is broken or that our system of checks and balances are working?
4. Should changes to Obamacare be on the table for this type of budget negotiation? Why or why not?
1. Do our representatives have a responsibility to avoid this type of government shutdown?
2. How can this shutdown affect the US economy? Be specific.
3. Is this heated partisanship an indicator that the government is broken or that our system of checks and balances are working?
4. Should changes to Obamacare be on the table for this type of budget negotiation? Why or why not?
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Public Policy Participation Posts
This post is going to be your forum to earn some extra participation points and apply the concepts we learned in class to current events and policy developments.
1. Find a recent (last ten days) article on a policy topic you find interesting (truly try to find something you think is significant and interesting). Make sure it is a reputable news source and not just some blogger spouting conspiracy theories.
2. Post a link to the article with a brief description/summary of the article.
3. After your summary, connect the article to at least two concepts we learned about over the course of the semester. Focus on explaining HOW the article illustrates, clarifies, or characterizes these important concepts and WHY this is significant in a broader understanding of politics.
4. After the analysis, pose two discussion questions for other students to answer. These questions are meant to spark discussion and debate.
4. Following instructions, writing in complete sentences and good organization are imperative to completing this assignment for credit.
You will not get credit unless you explain the HOW (it connects to AP US Government concepts) and WHY (it is significant) of the article. The purpose of this exercise is to help you connect the concepts we learn in class with current events so you can use some of these examples to help illustrate your point when answering the FRQ on the AP test on Tuesday May 14th.
1. Find a recent (last ten days) article on a policy topic you find interesting (truly try to find something you think is significant and interesting). Make sure it is a reputable news source and not just some blogger spouting conspiracy theories.
2. Post a link to the article with a brief description/summary of the article.
3. After your summary, connect the article to at least two concepts we learned about over the course of the semester. Focus on explaining HOW the article illustrates, clarifies, or characterizes these important concepts and WHY this is significant in a broader understanding of politics.
4. After the analysis, pose two discussion questions for other students to answer. These questions are meant to spark discussion and debate.
4. Following instructions, writing in complete sentences and good organization are imperative to completing this assignment for credit.
You will not get credit unless you explain the HOW (it connects to AP US Government concepts) and WHY (it is significant) of the article. The purpose of this exercise is to help you connect the concepts we learn in class with current events so you can use some of these examples to help illustrate your point when answering the FRQ on the AP test on Tuesday May 14th.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
4B Judicial Branch Q and A
1. What are the different types of court cases? What are some examples? How do you know if you have a case? When a court case is decided, how do you know why they made a decision?
2. Who is directly/indirectly involved in court cases? In what ways?
3.How is the court system i the US set up? How does federalism help us understand the structure and appeals process?
4. Who is on the SC? What are the prerequisites for becoming a justice? How are they selected? What dot hey typically have in common?
5. What does it mean to be a conservative justice? liberal justice? What is meant by judicial independence?
6. Why would the SC look at a case? What has to happen for a case to be put on the SC docket? Who represents the government in a case?
2. Who is directly/indirectly involved in court cases? In what ways?
3.How is the court system i the US set up? How does federalism help us understand the structure and appeals process?
4. Who is on the SC? What are the prerequisites for becoming a justice? How are they selected? What dot hey typically have in common?
5. What does it mean to be a conservative justice? liberal justice? What is meant by judicial independence?
6. Why would the SC look at a case? What has to happen for a case to be put on the SC docket? Who represents the government in a case?
Judicial branch - Q and A
Post responses/diagrams/questions below!
1. What are the different types of court cases? What are some examples? How do you know if you have a case? When a court case is decided, how do you know why they made a decision?
2. Who is directly/indirectly involved in court cases? In what ways?
3.How is the court system i the US set up? How does federalism help us understand the structure and appeals process?
4. Who is on the SC? What are the prerequisites for becoming a justice? How are they selected? What dot hey typically have in common?
5. What does it mean to be a conservative justice? liberal justice? What is meant by judicial independence?
6. Why would the SC look at a case? What has to happen for a case to be put on the SC docket? Who represents the government in a case?
1. What are the different types of court cases? What are some examples? How do you know if you have a case? When a court case is decided, how do you know why they made a decision?
2. Who is directly/indirectly involved in court cases? In what ways?
3.How is the court system i the US set up? How does federalism help us understand the structure and appeals process?
4. Who is on the SC? What are the prerequisites for becoming a justice? How are they selected? What dot hey typically have in common?
5. What does it mean to be a conservative justice? liberal justice? What is meant by judicial independence?
6. Why would the SC look at a case? What has to happen for a case to be put on the SC docket? Who represents the government in a case?
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Wealth and inequality in America
After watching the viral video we watched in class respond to the following questions:
1. Is this level of inequality good or bad for America? How so? Explain.
2. Should the government do anything about it? Why or why not?
3. Does the government have the right to do anything about it? Why or why not?
4. How do you think wealth should be distributed in America or is it good as it is? Why?
5. Is this distribution of wealth "fair" for hardworking middle-class Americans? Is this "unfairness" what drives people to achieve wealth?
1. Is this level of inequality good or bad for America? How so? Explain.
2. Should the government do anything about it? Why or why not?
3. Does the government have the right to do anything about it? Why or why not?
4. How do you think wealth should be distributed in America or is it good as it is? Why?
5. Is this distribution of wealth "fair" for hardworking middle-class Americans? Is this "unfairness" what drives people to achieve wealth?
Thursday, February 28, 2013
2/28 assignment part 2
After you finish responding to these four questions read this article on immigration detainees being released in anticipation of the sequester and this article about offsetting the sequester by eliminating waste and answer the "Top of the Class News" questions 1-3 in a comment.
Once you are finished responding to these articles, take the rest of the class to study for the test you will have next class.
Once you are finished responding to these articles, take the rest of the class to study for the test you will have next class.
2/28 assignment part 1
Read the following two articles about the "message war" between the Republicans and Democrats over the sequester which kicks in tomorrow. Here is the article about Obama and the Democrats message. Here is the article about Boehner and the Republican message. Answer the following questions in a comment below:
1. What do the articles mean by "message"?
2. What does this illustrate about the ability of political parties to manipulate public opinion?
3. Which is more revealing about the true motivations of each party, what they are saying or what they are not saying? Why do you think so?
4. Do you think there is any media bias present in these articles? Whatever your answer, please provide evidence and an explanation of your answer.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Sequester much?
The looming March 1st automatic spending cuts (called sequestration) is the hot topic in the news cycle. First, analyze the following political cartoons and respond to the following question in a post:
1. Which political cartoon do you most agree/disagree with? To what extent do you agree? Why?

Next, read this FoxNews article about the impending cuts. Do you agree with Boehner? Should compromise be the primary focus or should each side stand their ground? Respond below, either to someone else's post or make your own.
After responding to the FoxNews article, read this CNN article focused more on lack of Congressional urgency. Should congress be urgent in ensuring these cuts do not happen? What would it mean for the Pentagon and other governmental agencies if sequestration is upon us?
Finally, go to either FoxNews article or CNN article about impact on the Pentagon if sequestration goes through.
You must comment with an original post or a comment on another classmates post to receive credit for today. I hope everyone has a good weekend and I will see you next week.
1. Which political cartoon do you most agree/disagree with? To what extent do you agree? Why?
Next, read this FoxNews article about the impending cuts. Do you agree with Boehner? Should compromise be the primary focus or should each side stand their ground? Respond below, either to someone else's post or make your own.
After responding to the FoxNews article, read this CNN article focused more on lack of Congressional urgency. Should congress be urgent in ensuring these cuts do not happen? What would it mean for the Pentagon and other governmental agencies if sequestration is upon us?
Finally, go to either FoxNews article or CNN article about impact on the Pentagon if sequestration goes through.
You must comment with an original post or a comment on another classmates post to receive credit for today. I hope everyone has a good weekend and I will see you next week.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Democrats propose a plan and McCain says what?
Sequestration is looming over Washington with the possibility of automatic cuts to the Pentagon. Senate Democrats offer a plan to avoid the possibility. Also, in a new development, McCain says he is satisfied with WH response to Benghazi and is willing end the filibuster and vote on Hagel nomination.
We are talking about party politics so any comments clarifying concepts in Chapter 8 are encouraged!!
Here are two political cartoons that deal with the Hagel nomination:

The first cartoon illustrates the hypocrisy of the Democrats who support the nomination and the second illustrates the hypocrisy on the other side of the aisle.
Also here is an interesting but unrelated article proposing that government benefits are fueling US poverty. What do you think? Is this economist right in his analysis?
We are talking about party politics so any comments clarifying concepts in Chapter 8 are encouraged!!
Here are two political cartoons that deal with the Hagel nomination:
The first cartoon illustrates the hypocrisy of the Democrats who support the nomination and the second illustrates the hypocrisy on the other side of the aisle.
Also here is an interesting but unrelated article proposing that government benefits are fueling US poverty. What do you think? Is this economist right in his analysis?
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The State of the Union Address
Tonight on national television the President will exercise his constitutional duty to "from time to time give to the congress information of the state of the union." (Article II Section 3) I recommend that everyone watch it because next class we are going to talk about it and what role the media plays in informing the public. You would think that it is difficult to be biased about a speech that has not even happened yet, but here we are. Read the following four articles from MSNBC, CNN, NPR, and FoxNews, and keep in mind, they are all reporting on the same event that has not even taken place yet.
Consider the following questions while keeping in mind that you must provide evidence for your opinions and analysis.
1. Is there evidence of bias in any of these articles? If so, explain.
2. If we are aware of bias, and account for it in our analysis, does it matter that it is there?
3. Should journalists work to cover stories in an entirely unbiased fashion?
4. What is the main goal for each of these articles? To inform and prepare the public before they watch it? To stir controversy so you come back for more when it (the State of the Union) is over? To drive home party line talking points?
5. Was I biased in my presentation of these articles?
Also, rank them below (in your opinion) from most biased (1) to least biased (4).
Comments, questions, concerns and relevant links welcomed below!!
Consider the following questions while keeping in mind that you must provide evidence for your opinions and analysis.
1. Is there evidence of bias in any of these articles? If so, explain.
2. If we are aware of bias, and account for it in our analysis, does it matter that it is there?
3. Should journalists work to cover stories in an entirely unbiased fashion?
4. What is the main goal for each of these articles? To inform and prepare the public before they watch it? To stir controversy so you come back for more when it (the State of the Union) is over? To drive home party line talking points?
5. Was I biased in my presentation of these articles?
Also, rank them below (in your opinion) from most biased (1) to least biased (4).
Comments, questions, concerns and relevant links welcomed below!!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Drones: The Best Option?
Robert Gates, the former Defense Secretary under Bush and Obama, outlines here why drones are the best tool we currently have to fight terrorism, but could use more oversight to ensure that the sitting President (and any future President) does not abuse his power as commander-in-chief.
After seeing some of the statistics in this article, does this change your mind about drones? Is this our best, most precise option to take out known terrorists? Does collateral damage even matter? comments and thoughts below!
Related article: Read this article on the possibility of a "drone court" to check the President's as of now virtually limitless power in the use of these weapons.
Related article: Read this article on the possibility of a "drone court" to check the President's as of now virtually limitless power in the use of these weapons.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Star Wars: The Drone Wars
Chuck Hagel, a Republican drew ire from fellow Republicans in the Senate during his confirmation hearing for Secretary of Defense. It looks like we are in for another contentious confirmation hearing when John Brennan is vetted for his potential post as head of the CIA, but this time from members of Obama's party, the Democrats. The drone program highlighted here on CNN and here on FoxNews explains why the Democrats do not like Brennan. Also, here is an opinion article on why the government should tell us more about the role of drones in fighting terrorism.
What do you think about the use of drones? Should the government disclose more information? Is the governments use of drones on American citizens justified? Should the government keep these programs under the radar?(pun intended) Comments below!
Here are two NPR doubletake political cartoons on the subject of drones. The first illustrates it's effectiveness and the second questions the legality. What do you think??
disclaimer: I do not take credit for the following material, it was retrieved from this website.

What do you think about the use of drones? Should the government disclose more information? Is the governments use of drones on American citizens justified? Should the government keep these programs under the radar?(pun intended) Comments below!
Here are two NPR doubletake political cartoons on the subject of drones. The first illustrates it's effectiveness and the second questions the legality. What do you think??
disclaimer: I do not take credit for the following material, it was retrieved from this website.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Somehow it's our fault?
Policy gridlock has characterized Congress for the better part of the last five years, some would say even longer. Some blame Congress for not trying to find common ground, but apparently they're not the problem, we are. Read the linked article here and tell me what you think below in the comments section.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Unit 1 FRQ
Your Unit 1 FRQ will be on one of the three following concepts:
1. Federalism and political opportunity/participation
2. Constitutional history and the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation
3. The amendment process and informal Constitutional change
1. Federalism and political opportunity/participation
2. Constitutional history and the shortcomings of the Articles of Confederation
3. The amendment process and informal Constitutional change
That's how much money was spent on the 2012 campaigns. Seven. Billion. Dollars. Read more about it here.
If you had seven billion dollars how would you spend it? Does money=speech? Is this a good thing for America?
Comments below.
If you had seven billion dollars how would you spend it? Does money=speech? Is this a good thing for America?
Comments below.
NPR "double-take" toons on immigration reform
Which side are you on? Let me know in the comments section.
disclaimer: I do not take credit for any of the following material. I retrieved it from this website.

disclaimer: I do not take credit for any of the following material. I retrieved it from this website.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
NPR "double-take" toons on Benghazi
Which side are you on? Let me know in the comments section.
disclaimer: I do not take credit for any of the following material. It was retrieved from this website.

disclaimer: I do not take credit for any of the following material. It was retrieved from this website.
Link to article on Benghazi hearing
Clinton fired back at Congress during the hearings on the terrorist attack on Benghazi. Here is the article from CNN. Here is the article from FoxNews. Please feel free to comment!!
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