Thursday, February 28, 2013

2/28 assignment part 2

After you finish responding to these four questions read this article on immigration detainees being released in anticipation of the sequester and this article about offsetting the sequester by eliminating waste and answer the "Top of the Class News" questions 1-3 in a comment.

Once you are finished responding to these articles, take the rest of the class to study for the test you will have next class.


Unknown said...

The first article is news worthy because it shows what will happen if the sequestration were to happen. I am more surprised that we are putting minor offenders in jail. It would make more since to fine them than to waste money and put them in jail. This article seemed unbiased

Ryan Carter said...

Yes this story is news worthy because it is an important issue and shows many points from the republican views. It illustrates the responsible party model and also shows how individualism is in politics by the Republican Party telling what they would do if they were in power and also the individualism is shown because the gridlock is caused by democrats and republicans alike not completely agreeing with their party's stance. Yes there is republican bias and it is very obvious because its from Fox.

Unknown said...

I agree with Robert, the second article is much more newsworthy, especially since it is much easier to read and it is kind of a shocker that they are releasing illegal immigrants that don't belong here in the first place.

The first article illustrates the different ways to end the sequester without effecting citizens as much as it would plainly. The second article illustrates what is already going into effect because of the sequester.

The first article is pretty unbiased because it sounded like it was favoring republicans and placing more blame on liberals. The second article wasn't really biased because it concerned a certain individual that isn't involved in American politics.

Clark Caraway said...

These articles are newsworthy as sequestration will impact a large portion of society if it goes through, and they show how concerned people are with sequestration in general. The fact that "criminals" are being released due to the possibility of budget cuts (or so that people will think criminals are being cut as a result of budget cuts) is newsworthy. The bias of the second article is fairly clearly republican, which is to be expected as it is a Fox article.

Ryan Greene said...

I do not think either articles are newsworthy in that they deal with Democrat or Republican attempts to assign blame and create a ruckus about the sequester. The first illustrates the concept of bureaucracy and checks and balances as Congress wants to know who is being releases by ICE but both highlight the need for bipartisanship on solving issues on the policy agenda. Bias is obvious in both articles as CNN has the republicans calling the people being released all criminals while the article depicts the detainee as harmless warranting over concern from the Republican side. Whereas the Fox article is a bit better in showing what the republicans have suggested but have been mocked by democrats

Jack Ogin said...

I definitely agree with Ryan Carter when it comes the views on these articles. It absolutely is from the republicans and it does show the individualism in politics. Also, these articles are bias and lean toward the republicans.

Unknown said...

The article is definitely newsworthy, because the public needs to know what will happen if the sequester is not avoided, and how severe the problem is. The people need to realize that the sequester is not something we can ignore, because it is effecting the working and middle class the hardest. The presence of bias is a given considering this is a Fox article.